Wonderful, caring and careful attention from a local pharmacist who knows you by name and gives the correct Pharmasave discounts without even mentioning it to regular customers. Pharma care that really cares. What a relief after the chains. This is pharmacy as it should be done. You never have to wait. Open until 7:00pm. Very highly recommended
I live close by to the Pharmave used to deal with big chain stores, the Pharmacist is knows his trade, his prices a better than most and he even gives you a discount on over the counter and dispensing fees for people who have no insurance like me that's a bonus I recommend him any day over Shoppers and what not
I am person who always compare prices. I had to go to this pharmacy last week because i had my son sick so wanted to get him a tylenol. I was sure i was going to pay more because its a small pharmacy. I actually payed 1.85$ less then shoppers and rexall for the same product. Even for prescriptions his fee is at least 2$ less then the other pharmacies.On top of that the service was way better.