Coopérative funéraire de l'Outaouais

LA GENTIANE - Un site d'entraide pour les personnes endeuillées


Annual general meeting

Notice of meeting

Soyons au coeur du soutien

Voir la vidéo

Our services

At the families’ service 24/7, in the event of death

As an essential business in this time of crisis, the Coopérative funéraire de l’Outaouais is maintaining its operations. However, in compliance with the health authorities, we must restrict the number of participants to 25. We are therefore at the families’ service 24/7, in the event of death.

In order to limit access to our funeral homes as much as possible and to ensure your safety and that of our employees, we invite bereaved families to meet with our counsellors by phone. The same applies to any payment or change of address.

YOU SHOULD NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE come to one of our branches…
- If you have just returned from abroad;
- If you have flu-like symptoms;
- If you think you have been exposed to the coronavirus;
- If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

We are closely monitoring developments and wish to act responsibly by implementing government recommendations. We will notify you of any changes.

We wholeheartedly support bereaved families and appreciate their cooperation. We invite people near and dear to them to offer their helping hand in these trying times.

Contact us


more news
Coopérative funéraire de l'Outaouais - March 24, 2022

Annual general meeting notice

As of April 19th, 2019, members of the Coopérative funéraire de l’Outaouais can obtain a copy of the agenda, the minutes of the April 23rd, 2018 AGM, the summary of audited financial statements dated December 31st, 2018, and a copy of the annual report, which are available a tour facilities in Gatineau, Hull, Buckingham, Thurso and St-André Avellin.

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Coopérative funéraire de l'Outaouais - January 8, 2021

Always ready to serve

We're still celebrating funerals

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Why make your pre-arrangements with the cooperative?

  • To decide of which rituals you really want
  • To space your loved ones of worries
  • To take advantage of fair prices and of a 20% rebate on our services as a member
  • To counter inflation on your funeral costs
  • To take advantage of our service at home
  • To be in peace with your choices