I wish I never went in.
I got purple steaks in my hair on my first appointment which looked great until I washed my hair twice. I went back into the salon to get the purple re dyed and the "advanced stylist" put something on my hair and turned it blue/green. She then re dyed it purple over the blue/green. My hair was then mash up of purple, blue and green and I was sent home with the promise that the stylist would call me in two days to see how the colour was lasting. I didn't hear anything after 5 days so I called the salon and my stylist was no longer working for Cream. I went in a third time and was told by the owner that the former stylists actions were not a reflection of the salon. The only way to fix my hair was to dye it all back brown. I wasted over $200 on a dye job that I never wanted.